
Friday, July 31, 2015

How to Shake the Pre-Surgery Jitters

Anytime you have to undergo a surgical procedure it’s completely normal to be nervous. In fact, there are millions of people out there that deal with hospital and surgical anxiety, so know that you’re not alone. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you deal with pre-surgery anxiety and calm your nerves before operation day:
Have faith in your surgical team. Choosing a surgeon can be nerve wracking in itself, since you need to find someone who you trust completely. Do your research and consult with as many surgeons as you have to until you find the right one. Then, allow yourself to trust them. Trust is the number one weapon when dealing with pre-surgery anxiety. You need to remind yourself that your doctor is an expert and be confident in his or her abilities.

Know the details and voice your concerns. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your procedure. Knowing exactly what is going to happen and why will help you cope while you prepare for surgery. Many times the fear of the unknown can cause more stress, so ask and research away. Should you have any outstanding fears or concerns, speaking with your surgeon can be a big help.

Meditate and listen to music. Deep breathing exercises and other meditative activities can help relax the body and put your mind at ease. A daily dose of yoga is a great way to keep your mind and body centered, and out of “fight-or-flight” mode. Music is also incredibly powerful when it comes to calming nerves. In fact, according to FoxNews.com, “a study in the journal Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica found that people who listened to relaxing music right before surgery were more relaxed than those who opted for medication to calm their nerves.”

Plan for pre-and-post-surgery. Who will drive you and pick you up? What will you need to bring for your hospital stay? Who will handle your obligations while you recover? Making a plan puts you in control of the situation, which can help you keep calm. Enlist the support of your family members to help out and support you before, during and after surgery.

At Great South Bay Surgical Associates, we understand that your nerves can sometimes get the best of your. That’s why we believe in fostering very personal, trusting relationship with all of our patients. Rest assured that when you choose one of our surgeons, you’ll be in the best, most capable and caring hands.

If you live in Nassau, Suffolk or the surrounding areas and are in need of a surgeon, click here to view our website or call us 631-321-6801 to schedule your free consultation today.

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